Justin Simien’s television adaptation of his movie, Dear White People, appeared on Netflix in April to considerable fanfare and controversy. […]

Justin Simien’s television adaptation of his movie, Dear White People, appeared on Netflix in April to considerable fanfare and controversy. […]
This semester I am teaching a course called “Resisting State Violence: Race, Policing, and Social Justice in Twentieth-Century America.” One […]
Now that Trump has been installed as President, many Americans are turning to history for inspiration in resisting his agenda. I […]
I often receive inquiries from white and non-black folks about how they can get involved in anti-racist organizing, especially after […]
Black and white America could not have been further apart than on the morning of October 3, 1995 when a […]
One of the functions of social movements is to raise consciousness around a particular problem or issue. The Black Lives […]
Often being a hip-hop fan means learning how to deal with the sudden loss of beloved artists. It always feels […]
As singer Beyoncé and her team of black beret and leather-sporting background dancers reminded viewers during the Super Bowl halftime […]
The second in a two-part interview with historian Heather Ann Thompson, whose seminal article on mass incarceration, “Why Mass Incarceration […]
2010 was an important year for scholarship documenting the history of the carceral state. In January, legal scholar Michelle Alexander […]
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