Mind the Gap: Motivational Pressure and a Gendered Pandemic
In the midst of the pandemic, articles by journalists, public figures, and scholars on how…
Cite My Name, Cite My Name
A couple years back, I was co-teaching a graduate course on gender history at the…
Sunday Morning Medicine
A weekly check-up of gender, medicine, and history in the news Elvis in the box.…
Dead Babies in Boxes: Dealing with the Consequences of Interrupted Reproduction
One morning in June 2019, two city workers in Lyon, France, pulled a plastic bag…
Why I Say “Black Lives Matter”
Two paragraphs in my forthcoming book, Liberty and Insanity in the Age of the American…
“All the World’s a Harem”: Perceptions of Masked Women during the 1918–1919 Flu Pandemic
Carlotta, with the drooping mouth; Esther, with the too-tilted nose, and Mary, the colleen with…
Sunday Morning Medicine
A weekly check-up of gender, medicine, and history in the news No rest. Past vaccine…
Hygeia: Women in the Cemetery Landscape
We’ve all seen her. Hunched over the grave of an important poet. Standing meekly atop…
Motherhood, Undone: A Review of Belabored: A Vindication of the Rights of Pregnant Women by Lyz Lenz
One evening in early April, after yet another day of sending my toddler daughter to…
Artificial Wombs and Decriminalizing Abortion
After the announcement of the successful animal trials of a partial artificial womb in 2017,…