Sunday Morning Medicine
By Jacqueline Antonovich -A history of “Women aren’t funny.” -Vintage Spring Break snapshots. -Photographing a…
Mommy, Daddy, Can I Have a Gun?
By Cheryl Lemus My son is a bit obsessed with the game of Skylanders at…
Adventures in the Archives: These Losses Which Are Not My Own
By Carolyn Herbst Lewis Lately I find that my mind is muddled. I have accepted…
Sunday Morning Medicine
By Jacqueline Antonovich -Robots can fix your lady parts. -Would you like to buy Hemingway’s…
Marketing Domesticity
By Rachel Epp Buller One of the recurring themes in my “Women and Gender in…
Emancipating Intimate Labor in the Care Economy
By Austin McCoy On December 15, 2011, the Obama administration announced “administration action” to protect…
Ding Dong the Witch is Dead?
By Helen McBride A week ago, Saturday Night Live paid tribute to Prime Minister Margaret…
Do Yourself a Favour: DIY a Rainbow
By Sean Cosgrove Usually DIY anything means hours of pain and frustration: IKEA flatpacks, or…
Sunday Morning Medicine
By Jacqueline Antonovich -New moms: Carry around your placenta (all the cool kids are doing…
Just Add Water . . . and Sperm
By Tina M. Kibbe As an historian of science and medicine, I am always interested…