Sunday Morning Medicine
A weekly check-up of gender, medicine, and history in the news A brief history of…
The Disappearance of Juliet Stuart Poyntz
Throughout the spring and early summer of 1937, telephone operators at the American Woman’s Association…
Going Baroque for Babies
A few months ago, a friend and I were chatting about plans for a baby…
Who Was the Original “Welfare Queen?”: Review of Josh Levin’s The Queen: The Forgotten Life Behind an American Myth
How do you tell a story about a real-life, embodied individual who inspired a stereotype,…
Sunday Morning Medicine
A weekly check-up of gender, medicine, and history in the news Drawing dissection. The race…
“The Inflamed Egotism of Women:” Emma Simpson and the Limits of the Unwritten Law
Let me just admit it now—I’ve never listened to Serial.Or, rather, I never finished listening.…
How I Met My Mother: The Story of an Unexpected Pregnancy
I was born seven weeks after my mother found out she was pregnant. I was…
The Japanese Imperial Family Invented
In May 2019, as now Emperor Emeritus Akihito passed the Chrysanthemum Throne to his son…
This is Not a Culture of Life, This is a Culture of Un-Death
Last week at a Vatican conference on abortion, Pope Francis “argued that children who were…
Sunday Morning Medicine
A weekly check-up of gender, medicine, and history in the news The prince of quacks.…