Sunday Morning Medicine
A weekly check-up of gender, medicine, and history in the news The torrid history of…
Placentophagy Isn’t New, But It Has Changed
Over the last several years, placentophagy has slowly crept into that vicious public media arena…
Sunday Morning Medicine
A weekly check-up of gender, medicine, and history in the news A glimpse of 1930s…
Elizabeth Blackwell in the Digital World
You’ve probably heard of Elizabeth Blackwell, the first woman in the United States to earn…
Exploding Myths About Medicine’s Wage Gap: Lessons From the Past and Present
It’s not news that women are paid less than men for comparable work, subject to…
Jessie Mitchell’s Mother
Unless we’re toiling away in an English PhD program, most of us don’t pause in…
Sunday Morning Medicine
A weekly check-up of gender, medicine, and history in the news 15 centuries-old board games.…
If You’re Not a Jerk, Then I’m Not Disabled
This is my fantasy: I’m standing at the Main Street corner in my little New…
Satan’s Fortress: Christianity, Sex, and Josh Duggar
When I was 18, I attended a large gathering of evangelical Christians, just as I…
Sunday Morning Medicine
. . . is on vacation. See you next week!