Women’s Health Care: Not Just for Women Anymore
Mammogram waiting rooms are sometimes different from other medical waiting areas. If you’re going to…
Sorry, I’m Disabled. Oh, Wait, I’m Not Sorry, Just Disabled.
“Sorry,” I say, “Sorry, but would you mind giving me the directions again a little…
Sex and the Purple Guy
Originally published by Tropics of Meta on April 21, 2016. For a generation of youth…
Sunday Morning Medicine
A weekly check-up of gender, medicine, and history in the news 2,400-year-old life advice. “Fishwife”…
A Letter to the Lady in Pants: Dr. Mary Edwards Walker and the History of Women (Un)Worthies
“WALKER, Mary Edwards (Nov. 26, 1832 – Feb. 21, 1919), Civil War medical worker, dress…
Pink Hollyhocks
This month, National Poetry Month, we encounter a poem both contemporary and historical — “Pink…
Sunday Morning Medicine
A weekly check-up of gender, medicine, and history in the news Have you got the…
Trump’s Part in Centuries-Long History of Punishing Women and Doctors
In a recent campaign interview with Chris Matthews, presidential candidate Donald Drumpf contended “there has…
Enforcing Death Rituals after Miscarriage is Just Plain Cruel
The Indiana legislature claims it wants to protect unborn children and their parents. Last week…
Lessons from the Funky Diabetic: Phife Dawg as Reluctant Health Rap Pioneer
Often being a hip-hop fan means learning how to deal with the sudden loss of…