Pornography on the Playground
When I was 19, I had a summer job supervising a playground. It was a…
Sunday Morning Medicine
A weekly check-up of gender, medicine, and history in the news A handy guide to…
To “Serve this Long Term at Home”: Robert Buffum, Mental Illness, and the Prison Trap
Just over a year after having the third-ever Medal of Honor pinned on his uniform…
Sisterhood Subpoenaed: Abortion on Trial at an 1892 Women’s Medical College
Courtroom dramas are a television staple. If the Good Wife isn’t your cup of tea,…
Not Going Back: Queer American Families and the Value Voters Summit
On October 12, 2017, the day after National Coming Out Day, I received an email…
Mothers’ Natures: Sex, Love, and Degeneration in the Nineteenth-Century United States
Every so often, some viral article or other will declare that science “proves” or “confirms”…
Sunday Morning Medicine
A weekly check-up of gender, medicine, and history in the news The price of fashion…
The Enigmatic Spinster
Judging from the number of books, blogs, news articles and interviews focused on the lives…
The Second Sentence: AIDS in Dublin’s Mountjoy Prison
In January 1986, Irish current affairs program Today Tonight reported on a spate of deaths…
Buried Secrets, Living Children: Secrecy, Shame, and Sealed Adoption Records
Between 1945 and 1973, single mothers in the United States gave birth in an era…