Sunday Morning Medicine is on Vacation!
We’ll be back next week.
Olympics in the Marvelous City
For anyone who hasn’t been paying attention to the international news, Brazil — and its…
Report from Pride: LGBT History Is (Not Yet) American History
Last June I participated in the annual Pride March in New York City, the biggest celebration…
A Declaration of Conscience: Margaret Chase Smith (1897-1995)
One popular critique of Hillary Clinton, dating back to the beginning of her political career,…
Sunday Morning Medicine
A weekly check-up of gender, medicine, and history in the news A brief history of…
We Need to Talk About Chikungunya
My friend from Rio de Janeiro got chikungunya virus in April. First she came down…
“Ain’t No Bitches Gonna Hunt No Ghosts”
2016 is Terrible, So Go Watch Ghostbusters, Laugh, and Let Feminism Save Us All Dear…
Lady Presidential Candidates: Belva Lockwood (1830-1917)
Oh, Hillary. What a bitch. A liar. A cheat. A man-hater. A one-percenter. The Donald…
Sunday Morning Medicine
A weekly check-up of gender, medicine, and history in the news Syphilis onstage. The Wonder…
The Brexit and Women’s Rights in the UK
Although women comprise the majority of voters in the UK, they were noticeably absent in…