Artificial Wombs and Decriminalizing Abortion
After the announcement of the successful animal trials of a partial artificial womb in 2017,…
Sunday Morning Medicine
A weekly check-up of gender, medicine, and history in the news Dear Sirs. Fear of…
The Collective Power of Our Abortion Stories
“I had an abortion in 1999.” So begins Annie Finch’s important new anthology, Choice Words:…
The Politics of Method: An Interview with Henry Cowles
“The scientific method does not exist. But ‘the scientific method’ does.” So begins Henry M.…
Breastfeeding During War
The fireworks began at 7 pm, and my anxiety, already made worse by sleep deprivation,…
Sunday Morning Medicine
A weekly check-up of gender, medicine, and history in the news Did my grandmother vote?…
Burying the Dead, and Then Digging Them Up
About a week after my partner Clayton was murdered in 2015, I went back to…
Woman in Focus: Jessie Tarbox Beals
Had she never laid her eyes on a camera, Jessie Tarbox Beals might have made…
Architecting a “New Normal”? Past Pandemics and the Medicine of Urban Planning
COVID-19 isn’t going anywhere. Months into the global pandemic, when many parts of the world…
Fresh to Death: African Americans and RIP T-Shirts
My 28-year-old nephew, Willie Lee “Chill” Oglesby, Jr., was murdered on November 8, 2017. One…