Anti-trans bills are popping up all over the place in various contexts. Some are meant to restrict trans girls and […]

Anti-trans bills are popping up all over the place in various contexts. Some are meant to restrict trans girls and […]
My parents took me to see Mulan for my ninth birthday. Appropriately for someone raised as a girl, they bought […]
In a moment in which trans, nonbinary, and gender nonconforming people have quickly gained increased visibility, the stakes of telling […]
Newsflash: Red-state America is crawling with queer people. Those polite kids handing over your order at the Interstate exit drive-thru […]
In the past two decades, the word “transgender” has found a place in our everyday lexicon, featuring in headlines, TV […]
A memo circulating through the Trump Administration proposes that several government agencies should define sex as “a person’s status as […]
My junior year of college, my roommate and dear friend had a butch girlfriend. She aligned more with what many […]
Originally published as “Pronoun Privilege” in the New York Times on September 25, 2016. My fall classes started recently, and […]
Mammogram waiting rooms are sometimes different from other medical waiting areas. If you’re going to get an x-ray of your […]
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