City built up on a river

Pandemic Parenting and the Lessons of Nineteenth-Century Romantic Friendship

A spyglass in a wooden box.

Sister Mariana’s Spyglass: The Unreliable Ghost of Female Desire in a Convent Archive

Naomi Wolf at a podium

Notes on Outrages from Reviewer #2

Desire Work, Gender, and Sexuality in South African Ex-Gay Ministries: A Conversation with Melissa Hackman

Nine women standing in a line side-by-side all wearing 1920s-era swimsuits, all wearing sashes with different US cities or states written on them.

Women’s Liberation, Beauty Contests, and the 1920s: Swimsuit Edition

Explicit: Censorship, Sexology, and Sexuality in Independent Ireland

A black and white of photo of two lines of people holding slogans marching by each other.

Queering History: Back to School Edition

Gilead: An Antiporn Utopia

Pink Triangle Legacies: Holocaust Memory and International Gay Rights Activism

Nursing Clio Stands with Equality