Thanks to Liam Neeson and edgy action-thrillers like Taken, Americans have a pretty specific idea of what the sex-trafficking industry […]

Thanks to Liam Neeson and edgy action-thrillers like Taken, Americans have a pretty specific idea of what the sex-trafficking industry […]
I used to hide my own teeth. It started in fourth grade during spring photos. When my big adult teeth […]
[gblockquote source=”Susan Sontag, Illness as Metaphor“]Of course, one cannot think without metaphors. But that does not mean there aren’t some […]
On September 23, 1989, the fifth season of Golden Girls opened with a two-episode arc entitled “Sick and Tired.”1 The […]
As powerful men continue to fall in the wake of the viral #metoo movement, and as it has evolved into […]
Two recent events have made me return to my favorite TV show of all time, Friday Night Lights, a well-written […]
While heading out for a quick lunch last week, I found myself in the elevator with a colleague from my […]
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