Black and white photograph of a white woman standing in front of a "Freedom of Choice" sign.

Looking Back to Look Forward: Learning from the Boston Women’s Health Center in a Post-Dobbs World

Color drawing of long vines with delicate purple flowers.

Pennyroyal, Mifepristone, and the Long History of Medication Abortions

A fake toy featured on the SNL sketch "Consumer Probe" starring Dan Akroyd

Bags O’ Glass and Bayonet Eyes: Toy Safety and Consumer Protection, 1968–1976

A Black woman plays a flute made of crystal in a plain white room.

A Duet With History: Lizzo and James Madison’s Crystal Flute

Drawing of five women in uniform aprons and white bonnets.

Law, Medicine, Women’s Authority, and the History of Troubled Births: Review of Proving Pregnancy

A Black woman's pregnant belly is held by two sets of Black hands.

“If they were white and insured, would they have died?”: Contextualizing the 2022 Texas Maternal Mortality and Morbidity Report

blurry photo of a hospital hallway, sign for NICU level 3R in upper right corner

The Season of NICU

Sepiatone photograph of dozens of white men standing on the steps of a university building.

Race and Early American Medical Schools: Review of Christopher D.E. Willoughby’s Masters of Health: Racial Science and Slavery in U.S. Medical Schools

A mutliracial man and East Asian woman laugh together in an office setting.

Men and Women Can (and Should) Be Friends in the Modern Workplace

A group of Buffalo Bills football players congregate on the field

On Football, War, and Trauma