During the 2021 Louisiana legislative session, I took part in a campaign to eliminate an unnecessary law that has sexist, […]

During the 2021 Louisiana legislative session, I took part in a campaign to eliminate an unnecessary law that has sexist, […]
Wangui Muigai is the winner of the inaugural Nursing Clio Prize for Best Journal Article for “‘Something Wasn’t Clean’: Black […]
What happens when the person who delivers most of the babies in her community is arrested? This is a tale […]
Wendy Kline has delivered a new addition to the history of childbirth in America. In her engaging and well-researched book, […]
In February 1819, the Caswell County Superior Court in North Carolina tried three white women for infanticide. At issue was […]
In December of 2016, I wrote an essay for Nursing Clio called Nurse-Midwives are With Women, Walking a Middle Path […]
Malawi is one of the poorest countries in Africa, with 50% of its population living in poverty. A landlocked country […]
The American Association for the History of Nursing is so pleased to partner with Nursing Clio for this special series, […]
If you have ever seen the popular BBC/PBS television program Call the Midwife1 then you know that the central setting, […]
As a doula, I have the privilege of attending other women’s labors and deliveries. Recently I attended a delivery assisted […]
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