side portrait of a woman wearing pajamas and bathing bat

“She Did It to Herself”: Women’s Health on Television and Film

Finding a Voice: Agency and Trans Issues

hairy legs on the left and one hairless legs on the right, questioning which are from man and which are from woman

Pink Brain, Blue Brain: Do Opposites Attract?

A cartoon version of a Spiderwoman on the left, a woman mimicking Spiderwoman on the right

Femme Fixation and The Male Gaze

A black and white picture of a man holding a turkey

The Paradox of Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving Lego

Nursing Thanksgiving

A woman looking at a dishwasher happily, a little girl and a man standing by her sides looking at her and smiling

Yes, I’m a Wife, But You Can Call Me the “Current Supporting Spouse”

A black and white sketching of Mississippi State Institution

Ghosts are Scary, Disabled People are Not: The Troubling Rise of the Haunted Asylum

three band members taking a group photo with the audiences

What’s on Your Feminist Playlist?

A pile of books with colorful covers

Average-looking Married Couples Having Caring, Respectful Sex