Painting of a white man/Titan, Saturn, eating the arm of a headless body, which is about 1/4 the size of the Titan. Saturn has a crazed look in his eyes, is naked, and has a wild graying beard and long hair

COVID-19 Didn’t Break the Food System. Hunger Was Already Here.

Why We Need to Talk About Death Right Now

The Deathbed: A New Nursing Clio Series

In the rightmost foreground is part of a woman's face, with her glasses and one earring showing; to the left of the photo is a painting of a baby hanging on a wall

Pandemic Academic: Mothering from the Home Office

The Cruise Ship as Disease Heterotopia

Living in Isolation and Connecting through Reading, 1930–1946

Writing Histories of Intimate Care and Social Distancing in the Age of COVID-19

Ordinary Death in a Pandemic

Dr. Fauci and My Mom

Joking in the Time of Pandemic: The 1889–92 Flu and 2020 COVID-19