green lettuces on a white plate with bean sprouts, a cili pepper, and an orange fruit

Why Sad Salads Are No Laughing Matter: An Interview with Emily Contois

A naked back is overlaid with bright green letters that read, "Bodies in Doubt"

Bodies in Doubt, A New and Expanded Edition: An Interview with Elizabeth Reis

Cover art for the book What Happened to Paula, featuring a rural autumn scene.

“Who Cares?”: A Conversation on Murder and Women with Katherine Dykstra

Several white woman stand in a group holding round signs that say KEEP ABORTION LEGAL

Abortion Out West: An Interview with Alicia Gutierrez-Romine

A metal nipple-shaped cone

Captivity, Breastmilk, and the Myth of Colonial Supremacy: An Interview with Carla Cevasco

Illustration used by the Eugenics Society

“Containment and Control, Not Care or Cure”: An Interview with Elizabeth Catte on Virginia’s Eugenics Movement

The Empire of Depression: A Conversation with Jonathan Sadowsky

A drawing of two men in 1770s clothing wrestling in a river.

Has the World Gone Mad? An Interview with Sarah Swedberg

Food Media, Gender, and Power: An Interview with Emily Contois

Jaipreet Virdi, a woman with long dark hair, stands holding an ear trumpet to her right ear.

Ear Trumpets and Archives: An Interview with Jaipreet Virdi about Hearing Happiness