Sunday Morning Medicine

Sunday Morning Medicine
A weekly check-up of gender, medicine, and history in the news.
- What age you begin menstruation may have future health implications.
- The not-so-happy history behind your Black Friday shopping tradition.
- Teenage boys and body image.
- The most awesome kitchen computer from 1969.
- 10 NYC street corners – then and now.
- Stalin’s daughter and the FBI.
- Beautiful headdress of Moctezuma caught in a custody battle.
- A handy dandy glossary of terms used to silence women.
- The last Confederate to lay down his arms.
- The age of Artificial Intelligence may finally be here.
- A new look at Einstein’s brain.
- An update to the WWII pigeon story.
- Budget cuts affecting pregnant teens.
- Gorgeous Hussies and Parlor Politics.
- 5 historical manias that swept entire towns.
Jacqueline Antonovich is the creator and co-founder of Nursing Clio and served as executive editor from 2012 to 2021. She is an Assistant Professor of History at Muhlenberg College. Her current research focuses on women physicians, race, gender, and medical imperialism in the American West. Jacqueline received her PhD from the University of Michigan in 2018.
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