Sunday Morning Medicine
Sunday Morning Medicine
A weekly check-up of gender, medicine, and history in the news
- Medical advertisements after FDA.
- The many fires that plagued P.T. Barnum.
- The lesbian surrealist who defied the Nazis.
- The rise and rapid fall of Freedomland USA.
- Women’s work in rural England, 1500-1700.
- Lesbian drag kings who worked for the Mafia.
- Campy couture: Barbie’s 1970s fashion rivals.
- Potty training: a modern (and political) history.
- Margaret Sanger and the elusive male birth control.
- How a 12-year-old girl gave Pluto its name in 1930.
- The conservative roots of the reproductive rights revolution.
- Pop quiz! Can you identify these locations based on medieval maps?
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Jacqueline Antonovich is the creator and co-founder of Nursing Clio and served as executive editor from 2012 to 2021. She is an Assistant Professor of History at Muhlenberg College. Her current research focuses on women physicians, race, gender, and medical imperialism in the American West. Jacqueline received her PhD from the University of Michigan in 2018.